
Cold comfort


buvery Retweeted



 14条、19条との関係で問題になりうる、と木村先生なんかは指摘していたね。 ただ、現実問題として、憲法問題にはならないだろう。むしろ 弔意表明の強制がないような形式をとることで今後の国葬の前例づくりに焦点がいくのではないか? そして、 



池田信夫 Retweeted


ところで、池田さんがretweet しているところをみると、セクハラ、パワハラ問題の社会的深刻さより、統一教会問題で先鋒にあっているひろゆき叩きが目的なのか?という印象も・・・・ひろゆきのこの発言をたたくなら、香川問題で香川や芸能界の反応への批判が一言あってもよかったはず・・・ 

「羽交い締めにするだけが強制じゃないんですよ」 正確には 「羽交い締めにするだけが違法じゃないんですよ」と応えるべきのような・・・。


なるほど。 気候変動・・・もう手遅れ?

 The United States and its allies initially backed Ukraine to prevent a Russian victory and help negotiate a favorable end to the fighting.

In essence, Kyiv, Washington, and Moscow are all deeply committed to winning at the expense of their adversary, which leaves little room for compromise. Neither Ukraine nor the United States, for example, is likely to accept a neutral Ukraine; in fact, Ukraine is becoming more closely tied with the West by the day. Nor is Russia likely to return all or even most of the territory it has taken from Ukraine, especially since the animosities that have fueled the conflict in the Donbas between pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government for the past eight years are more intense than ever.

What about the ultimate form of escalation? There are three circumstances in which Putin might use nuclear weapons. The first would be if the United States and its NATO allies entered the fight.

In the second nuclear scenario, Ukraine turns the tide on the battlefield by itself, without direct U.S. involvement. If Ukrainian forces were poised to defeat the Russian army and take back their country’s lost territory, there is little doubt that Moscow could easily view this outcome as an existential threat that required a nuclear response. 

In the third scenario, the war settles into a protracted stalemate that has no diplomatic solution and becomes exceedingly costly for Moscow. Desperate to end the conflict on favorable terms, Putin might pursue nuclear escalation to win. 

The Biden administration should have worked with Russia to settle the Ukraine crisis before war broke out in February. It is too late now to strike a deal. Russia, Ukraine, and the West are stuck in a terrible situation with no obvious way out. One can only hope that leaders on both sides will manage the war in ways that avoid catastrophic escalation. For the tens of millions of people whose lives are at stake, however, that is cold comfort

be cold comfort


 When being told a particular thing about a bad situation is cold comfort, it does not make you feel better although it is intended to

 欧米は最初はウクライナ武器供与して ウクライナに有利な条件で停戦にもちこむ算段だったが、戦争が激化して、欧米、ウクライナ、ロシアすべてが欲がでて徹底的にやる羽目になっちまった。






Lastly, there is a chance that the fighting in southern Ukraine will damage the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, to the point where it spews radiation around the region, leading Russia to respond in kind. Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and prime minister, delivered an ominous response to that possibility, saying in August, “Don’t forget that there are nuclear sites in the European Union, too. And incidents are possible there as well.” Should Russia strike a European nuclear reactor, the United States would almost certainly enter the fighting.


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