

町山智浩 reposted 「徹子の部屋」で徹子さんが言っていたのを聞いたのを覚えているな。 法定強姦したのもデヴィッド・ボウイさんですね。 

 kazukazu88 reposted WHOでも三密マスク推奨しているんだな。

クラスでいちびっている男の子いるじゃない ですか堂々と自分の人生を楽しんである その姿すぐ憧れがあって私もやりたかった んですよ
*いちびる 「いちびる」は「ふざける、調子に乗る」と ・・・うまいなあ 久しぶりに演芸場行こうかなあ。

04:25 よその国をけなして自分の国を上げるやつ は本当に自分の国を愛してるやつは1人も いない


「自民党は"脱税グループ"」田中真紀子さんが自民・裏金疑惑を語る!【裏金問題・官房機密費】 制度改革だな。 

 ◯帯状疱疹ワクチン シングリックスとかいうのの2回めうってきたわ・・・・この前熱が8度6分もでたから、一応解熱剤処方してもらったが、処方してもらうと 処方箋+薬で1500円もかかるんだな・・・だったら手持ちの市販の解熱剤でもよかったな・・・いずれにせよ、コロナワクチンもうけたし、今年は予防注射はこれでおしまい。




 曽我太一 Taichi Soga@エルサレム reposted

- Professor John Mearsheimer, a renowned realist scholar, discusses Israel and Ukraine in an interview with Freddy Sers.
- Mearsheimer believes that a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is no longer viable, citing the demographic challenge within Greater Israel.
- He argues that Israel's actions in Gaza should be analyzed, emphasizing the realist principle and questioning the focus on punishing the civilian population.
- Mearsheimer suggests that the current situation leads to a de facto Greater Israel as an apartheid state, challenging the traditional two-state solution.
- Regarding the U.S.-Israeli relationship, he calls for treating Israel like a normal country, supporting actions aligned with U.S. interests and challenging behavior that isn't.

  1. The speakers are Steven Pinker, a prominent psychology professor at Harvard University, and John Mearsheimer, a distinguished political science professor at the University of Chicago.
  2. Steven Pinker argues that Enlightenment values, such as reason and democracy, have led to significant progress in various aspects of human life, including poverty reduction, literacy, and the decline of slavery.
  3. John Mearsheimer disagrees, asserting that unfettered reason does not necessarily lead to consensus on moral and political issues. He emphasizes the importance of politics, social context, and the inherent disagreements among individuals and nations.
  4. The discussion also touches on the role of liberalism in progress, with Pinker associating progress with human flourishing and Mearsheimer questioning the link between progress and liberalism.

  1. The debate centers on moral and political principles, particularly the disagreement on what comprises the good life and whether preventing children from dying is a moral principle.
  2. John Mearsheimer argues for realism in international relations, suggesting that smart individuals can have fundamentally different views on how the world works, hindering progress in understanding global dynamics.
  3. The discussion delves into the history of scientific controversies and suggests that, over time, controversies are resolved through empirical tests, with the possibility that current views on international relations may be proven right or wrong in the future.
  4. The conversation touches on the challenges of multiculturalism, nationalism, and the difficulty of achieving progress in a world of diverse perspectives, with concerns about the influence of tribalism and the impact on global harmony.
  5. Steven Pinker emphasizes liberalism, individual rights, and the importance of reason in achieving progress, defining progress as enhancements in human flourishing and arguing that disagreements often revolve around means rather than fundamental principles.

池田信夫 reposted ベーシックインカムだな・・・・経済学やって儲け方はわかんないんだな。

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