
Yakusho really started to have this look of full of love and respect not only at his trees but at every person



 町山智浩 reposted これもチェックできないってのは・・・管理職というか、仮にしたからあがってきても、どっかで止めるひとがおらんのか? 

 町山智浩 reposted 国民を舐めているな。 

 町山智浩 reposted 自民党入党して自民党改革したほうが日本のためになるかも?
それで若い人のなかには、野党が保守で与党が革新だと思っているひとがいるんだな。 ハマステロ以前


Gazans Speak Out Against Hamas Oppression
2023/12/19 #Israelnews #Iltvisraelnews #israel As the IDF continues advancing in Gaza and eliminating Hamas terrorists, Gazan civilians are speaking out as they are no longer afraid of Hamas’ grip on the strip.

 kazukazu88 reposted
In response, the people of Rafah set fire to the Hamas police station in Tel Sultan, Rafah.
ハマスの横暴に怒るガザ市民 How Old Was Mary When Jesus Was Born? - Crosswalk
Historians place Mary’s age in the range of 12 to 14 years old when Jesus was born.

Child Marriage in the Muslim World
From WikiIslam

 In 2019 in collaboration with activists, the deputy Grand Imam of al-Azhar University in Cairo issued a fatwa calling for marriage based on mutual consent with a minimum age set as 18.[5]



 例えばISIS ダーイッシュなんかはコーランを根拠にしているのかもしれないが、ほとんどのイスラム教徒からは軽蔑されているんじゃないの? 

  ハマスを非難しないパレスチナ人もやばいが、IDFを非難しないユダヤ人もやばい。 Saudi destroys Buddha statues in Japan and gets arrested: Japan news Ahram Online, Wednesday 11 Jun 2014
The incident caught the attention of moderate Muslims, and therefore a hash tag was trending on twitter #saudi-destroyed-statues-in-Japan, Saudis condemned the actions of the Saudi citizen, saying he should respect others' beliefs and religions.



日本人の魂をもっているかどうか? 早く観てみたいなああ。


 【第1弾】「平山という男は、どこから来たのか」ヴィム・ヴェンダース監督ロングインタビュー_『PERFECT DAYS』
out of a sudden a ray of sunlight came just hitting him and it came through some leaves and he looked at the one next to him and there he saw the leaves moving in the wind and he looked back at the window and the ray coming through the 08:17 clouds there and he had a sudden very existential realization he realized nobody else saw this except for him this ray of light was for no other human being and for him nobody saw it nobody saw the the comabi on the wall except for him and he realized that light had traveled for millions of miles from the Sun to reach him only him and that light had needed several seconds to get there to get only to him and create only for him this beautiful little miracle this this amazing play of light and he realized he was unique and he was not the businessman 09:21 who disappeared among millions of other he was a unique person



Yakusho really started to have this look of full of love and respect not only at his trees but at every person he really sees everybody he actually is the only one who sees the homeless  all the other people go people go by and he sees him and he gives him respect





 平山周吉 演 - 笠智衆





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