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buvery reposted





 if you take care of your health you are 10:49 happier you live longer you stay healthier and so that means exercising regularly eating good food not smoking not using abusing alcohol or drugs um all of that is really important and and it predicted which people were going to live the longest and stay the healthiest but the the big finding that we did not expect was that the strongest predictor of who was going to live longer and stay healthier was the quality of people's relationships with other people the people had the best relationships the warmest relationships with other 11:36 people stayed healthy lived longer

so the best theory that we have is
uh about stress that the the theory is is that that relationships help us manage stress so you know all of us have stressful things happen sometimes every day you know that life is filled with stress when when we are stressed the body changes our blood pressure goes up our heart beats faster we breathe faster and when the stress is removed our bodies are meant to return to equilibrium to a baseline um if I have something stressful happen today my and I get all upset if I have someone I can talk to at the end of the day and talk about my day
I can literally feel my body calm down and what we think happens is that people who don't have anyone people who are isolated don't have anyone to talk to that those people stay their bodies stay in an agitated state so they have higher levels of circulating stress hormones like cortisol they have higher blood pressure um they have higher levels of inflammation and that those things break down many different systems in the body uh because these are people who can't quite calm down in the way that that a good
relationship helps us calm down




② (「とんでもない挨拶」の意) 自分の自慢や、相手の気にさわるような表現に対して、言われた側の人が皮肉をこめて受け答えしたりする時のことば。意外な言葉。あきれた文句








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