
 ”The times are out of joint” /"Love means never having to say you're sorry"・ ”



世の中の関節は外れてしまった あぁ、なんと呪われた因果か それを直すために生まれついたとは。
"The time is out of joint: O cursed spite / That ever I was born to set it right."

現在まさに、”times are out of joint”かもな

  米俳優ライアン・オニールさんが死去、82歳 「ある愛の詩」出演 


Jennifer Cavalieri:
You look stupid and rich.

Oliver Barrett IV:
Well, what if I'm smart and poor?

Jennifer Cavalieri:
*I'm* smart and poor.

Oliver Barrett IV:
Well what makes you so smart?

Jennifer Cavalieri:
I wouldn't go out for coffee with you that's what.

Oliver Barrett IV:
Well what if I wasn't even gonna ask you to go out for coffee with me?

Jennifer Cavalieri:
Well that's what makes you stupid.

 "Love means never having to say you're sorry" 




15 年前

he pays $.15 for the ribbons and gets $4.85 back.

he's even.

he keeps the change so he now has 4 bills.   He uses one of his own bills to give her 5 ones in "exchange for a 5."

he's even again. 

she keeps the 1s in her hand and never puts them back.

he distracts her with questions. and with the $5 bill she JUST gave him.. says.. "how about you give me a $10?"

so he hands her his five. he's down 5.

but as asked, she hands him a $10...  and thus he is now UP $5.





The video depicts Saar Baruch with his hair shaven and he is referred to as a “soldier” by Hamas in the text of the video. Baruch says he had been held hostage for 40 days (today is day 63, so the video was recorded 23 days ago), then cuts to what looks like the inside of a home covered in blood, then shows weapons covered in blood, and finally his body is shown with heinous injuries. Hamas claims this was caused by the IDF.

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