日大、来年度に格下げせず新アメフト部設置へ 改革委に金メダリスト
おれもイスラエル擁護一辺倒には飽き飽きとしているが、日本人の意見を他国の政府が攻撃しているとなれば、「ふざけるな!」と表現の自由側につく・・・が、イランの国営メディアが日本人の一般人を攻撃している。外国政府機関が日本人を攻撃する場合は、内容の如何によらず、イランによる日本の言論への攻撃とみなすべきだろう。 https://t.co/Eg2L66yaRL
— buvery (@buvery) December 21, 2023
— Φιλíα⊿ (@GruessGott2018) December 21, 2023
古い経典にはどの宗教でも当時の慣習によるメチャクチャなことが書いてあるが、にもかかわらず、現在、実際のところはどうなのか? 旧約聖書からひっぱりだしてくれば、いまの規範からいえばひどいものがいくらでもひっぱってこれる。にもかかわらず、キリスト教国家も・・まあ、ユダヤ教徒も現代社会で現代人の規範にしたがいながら生活している。これは簡単なんですよ。イスラムが他の宗教に対して行うことをすれば、イスラムとも『平和的に』共存できます。
— buvery (@buvery) December 21, 2023
〇イスラム以外との結婚は認めない… https://t.co/YEWvXyT4bq
— すけちゃん🇺🇸 (@AgingAnarchist) December 21, 2023
— モバイルいわし (@MOBILEiwasi) December 20, 2023
There’s no way that Israel feels compelled to respond to that until the request become requirements, and the requirements come with conditions that make a difference, so that when the United States says, “You’ve got to stop bombing Gaza. You’re killing civilians, and it’s illegal under international law. You’ve got to stop,” and Israel says, “Nope, we’re going to continue,” then the next sentence out of the mouth of President Biden or Secretary of State Blinken, or whoever is relaying that message, is, “OK. Then, you know those billions of dollars we send to your military every year? You can kiss that goodbye. And you know how we’ve been protecting you at the International Criminal Court so you’re never held accountable for war crimes? We’re not doing that anymore.” So, those are the kinds of things that will begin to have a real impact on Israel. As long as the Israelis are clear that the Biden position of what we might call bear hug diplomacy, where the symbolism of his embrace, physically and politically, of Netanyahu and the Israeli state is “We have your back. We will protect you no matter what, but please make a few amendments,” they have no reason to take that seriously
unfortunately the Netanyahu government has not listened and has not been terribly interested in our perspective despite the fact that we are supplying the bombs that they are using despite the fact that we have provided them with $3. 00:38 5 billion dollar every year for a long time in military aid instead the netan government is continuing its military approach which is both immoral and in violation of international law and in my view Mr President the United States must end our complicity in those actions
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