
”How Palestinians were expelled from their homes”

Shoko Egawa reposted


How Palestinians were expelled from their homes 
By the end of 1947 Zionists had several well-developed paramilitary forces... the largest one known as the Haganah. 08:31 And more extremist militias like Irgun. On March 10th, a couple of months before the British mandate would end the Haganah adopted what was called Plan Dalet. Or Plan D. On paper, the main goal was to gain control of the Jewish state as laid out in the partition plan, while also defending Jewish settlements outside of the borders. 08:51 In reality, that's where the majority of these operations took place... outside of the UN's proposed Jewish state. Some carried out by Haganah and others by more radical militias. Many of these operations focused on isolating Jerusalem and the roads to it. A set of brutal instructions called for the destruction of Arab villages by setting fire to blowing up and planting mines. 09:13 Especially those population centers which were difficult to control. In case of resistance it called for the population to be expelled outside of the borders of the state... villages emptied and for the occupation and control of Arab villages along main transportation arteries. One of the most widely publicized village massacres happened here in Deir Yassin. 09:35 We lkived in Deir Yassin which is about 4 miles west of Jerusalem. 91 year old Dawud Assad was there the day of the massacre and was 18 at the time.



Shoko Egawa reposted いまだに証拠云々言わざる得ないのも悲しい。東京都は虐殺の慰霊碑を都庁に建てるべきだ。

Guardian-reading wokerati reposted

Dukie Weems

Duquan "Dukie" Weems is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Jermaine Crawford. Dukie is a student at Edward Tilghman Middle School. He has a difficult home life because the adults in his home are either alcoholics or drug addicts. He is a recurring target for teasing and bullying because of his lack of personal hygiene, his offensive body odor, and his dirty clothes.
In the ending montage, Dukie is shown shooting heroin with the junk man.


 buvery reposted
@awmonikawa #生活保護費 #埼玉 #日本の未来のために #移民反対 #増税反対 #クルド人難民 ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 😌😌😌😌😌








God hates all sin and all the selfish actions of sin, including ours. But His love is for ALL people. So Christ died “to do away with sin by the sacrifice [death] of himself” (Hebrews 9:26 NIV). That means sin in total. So anyone can trust in Christ and be made right with God. Whether that person is a murderer, rapist, paedophile or even Hitler, all can be forgiven through Jesus Christ.







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