
'Love life more than the meaning of it’


out of the chaos and mass trauma of the Hamas attacks new stories are starting to emerge of rape and sexual assault including graphic testimony from an eyewitness interviewed by police they bent her over and I realized they were raping her one by one then she was past another man in uniform she was still alive when she was being raped he shot her in the head while he was still raping her he didn't even lift his pants they cut off her breast and played with it on the street

this site was an active combat zone it was a big enough challenge to collect the bodies let alone early forensic evidence of sexual crimes video shot by Hamas during the attacks an early warning a large blood stain on the trousers of one woman


captive female bodies pil on trucks naked or semi [Music] closed body collectors describe piles of women's bodies naked from the waist down some photographed with their legs Spade often mutilated or burnt you see the way that it's burnt and those who witness sexual attacks have struggled with what they saw burn like that I spoke with girls that are now at least three girls that are now hospitalized for a very very hard psychiatric uh situation because of the rapes they watched they pretended to be dead and they watched it


and they heard everything from the side some of them want to kill themselves some some can't deal with it crucial evidence has come from the makeshift identification unit at the shur army base teams here describe clear signs of assault including pelvises broken by sustained violent rape



Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears Published 1 day ago 
 Police say they have "multiple" eye-witness accounts of sexual assault, but wouldn't give any more clarification on how many. When we spoke to them, they hadn't yet interviewed any surviving victims. 

たしかに、そうした趣旨の文章はあるが、記者向けビデオでは生存者の女性が証言しており、 また、生存者を診ている精神科医が証言を聞いているようではある。



 Videos filmed by Hamas include footage of one woman, handcuffed and taken hostage with cuts to her arms and a large patch of blood staining the seat of her trousers.

In others, women carried away by the fighters appear to be naked or semi-clothed.

Multiple photographs from the sites after the attack show the bodies of women naked from the waist down, or with their underwear ripped to one side, legs splayed, with signs of trauma to their genitals and legs.

Teams here told us they'd seen clear evidence of rape and sexual violence on the bodies coming in, including broken pelvises from sustained violent abuse.

"We see women of all ages," one of the reservists on the forensic team, Captain Maayan, told the BBC. "We see rape victims. We see women who have been through violation. We have pathologists and we see the bruises, we learn about the cuts and tears, and we know they have been sexually abused."

 町山智浩 reposted



 町山智浩 reposted しっかりしろ、ニッポン!

 町山智浩 reposted これ、いまならブラックフェースでアウトだろうな。


“I think everyone must love life more than anything else in the world.'
'Love life more than the meaning of it?'
'Yes, certainly. Love it regardless of logic, as you say. Yes, most certainly regardless of logic, for only then will I grasp its meaning.

Fyodor Dostoyesky, The Brothers Karamazov



”Show, don't tell” とか言われるけど、登場人物の思想が浅はかだとその行動も浅はかだから、作品も深みもなくなる。


ゴジラみたアメリカ人の感想全米映画ランキング(2023年12月1日 12月3日)  
1 Renaissance: A Film by Beyonce  
2 ハンガー・ゲーム0  
3 ゴジラ -1.0


ところで、↑上記引用文字はAI OCRが画面(1分06秒)からよみとったもの・・・・スゴイよなあ、便利になったよなああ・・・スクリーンキャプチャも要らない。 


 埼玉・川口市のクルド人団体を“資産凍結” 団体反論「トルコ側の政治的な作戦」【もっと知りたい!】(2023年12月7日)
団体によるとテロ組織に渡ったと疑惑の 目が向けられている4000万円は今年2 月に発生したトルコ地震を受けて募金活動 で集めたもの 自宅をなくした人へのテト設営などに当て られたと主張してい ます


buvery reposted そういうこと。
Under the heading "The position toward Occupation and Political Solutions" (paragraphs 18 to 23), the document describes the two-state solution, i.e. the creation of an independent Palestinian state according to the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital, as a "formula of national consensus", but without giving up the claim to the whole of Palestine, "from the river to the sea", and "without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity."[2] Rickard Lagervall viewed this as an "ambiguous formulation".[6] The two-state solution is seen as a temporary stage; the long-term goal remains the liberation of the whole of Palestine.[13] The agreements reached in the Oslo Accords are criticized and rejected as incompatible with international law.[2] The state of Israel, created with the help of Western nations, is still regarded as "completely illegal" (bâtil in Arabic, a word that also has religious connotations).[7




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