You want a dog・・・・犬だな。
suzuky Retweeted
「怒りは急ぐ。理性は公正な判断を下すことを望むが、怒りは自ら下した判断が公正に見えることを望む」 小セネカ『怒りについて』より pic.twitter.com/XyU5YzIxhQ
— ラテン語さん (@latina_sama) August 9, 2022
SENECA (c. 1 BC – AD 65) A selection from On Anger
Reason grants a hearing to both sides, then seeks to postpone action, even its own, in order that it may gain time to sift out the truth; but anger is precipitate. Reason wishes the decision that it gives to be just; anger wishes to have the decision which it has given seem the just decision. Reason considers nothing except the question at issue; anger is moved by trifling things that he outside the case. An overconfident demeanour, a voice too loud, boldness of speech, foppishness in dress, a pretentious show of patronage, popularity with the public - these inflame anger. Many times it will condemn the accused because it hates his lawyer; even if the truth is piled up before its very eyes, it loves error and clings to it; it refuses to be convinced, and having entered upon wrong it counts persistence to be more honourable than penitence.
この前の文章、「理性は両者の意見を聞き、その行為をなだめたり、自分の行為さえ先延ばしにして真実を選り分けられるように時間かせぎするが」・・・・がないと最初の文の「怒りは急ぐ(大慌てで向こう見ずだ)」 というところがわかりにくいような・・・
In fact, Seneca agrees with Aristotle on the definition of anger as the desire to pay back for the given pain. However, the philosophers’ views on the other matters differ a lot. If Aristotle approves of some cases of anger, Seneca remains adamant in his opinion that there is nothing good about anger and there are no conditions under which it can be justified.
Physical - Olivia Newton-John(日本語歌詞付き)
日本に来て自国の価値観を一番押し付けてくるのって、アメリカ人が一番多いよなあ。米国はモザイク社会なので『ニューヨークでは』なんて意味がありません。どのフードかによって行動は違う。スニーカーを有り難がるのは黒人によくある習性だから、そのコミュニティのみの話だろう。 https://t.co/pGLE5CJyNQ
— buvery (@buvery) August 9, 2022
池田信夫 Retweeted
公聴会に続いてトランプ氏への包囲網が強まっています。容疑はトランプ氏が大統領退任時に機密文書を持ち出した疑いのようです。おそらく入口の罪状であり、今後脱税疑惑や昨年1月の議会襲撃への司直の手が及ぶ可能性があ... #NewsPicks https://t.co/JLFdQDXrvl
— 峯村 健司 / Kenji Minemura 週刊ポスト『プーチンと習近平』連載中 (@kenji_minemura) August 9, 2022
The Horniman Museum and Gardens will be returning 72 artifacts, including a collection of Benin bronzes, to Nigeria. Located in London, the museum will be the first government-funded institution to return items that were looted by the British military during an invasion in Benin City, Nigeria, in 1897ったく、イギリスは・・・
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