
”freedom or loneliness?"


"And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever u want. What do you call it, freedom or loneliness?" -Charles bukowski 

 Freedom and lonliness だろうね。 

あるいは、そもそも他人がいること期待しなければ、Freedom 一色かもしれない。

 kazukazu88 Retweeted 攻撃受けた可能性は? 防衛省幹部に聞く陸自ヘリ不明の理由 

 町山智浩 Retweeted kazukazu88 Retweeted これはその通りだな。

 kazukazu88 Retweeted
Out of 25 studies (total N = 7179), we found that while the majority of interventions were ineffective in terms of changing conspiracy beliefs, several interventions were particularly effective. Interventions that fostered an analytical mindset or taught critical thinking skills were found to be the most effective in terms of changing conspiracy beliefs.

Avoid appealing to emotions and affect: Interventions that manipulated the emotional state of participants, or appealed to feelings of empathy had small effects in terms of changing conspiracy beliefs.

Counterarguments are not effective: Counterarguments against specific conspiracy beliefs that are given after participants have been exposed to a conspiracy theory tend not to be particularly effective.

Prevention is the best cure: Interventions that provided counterarguments for conspiracy theories were most effective when the counterargument came before the participants were exposed to the particular conspiracy theories that the study focused on. The findings suggest it is more difficult to challenge conspiracy beliefs once participants have started to believe in them. If participants have been taught why certain conspiracy theories are implausible before they have been exposed to conspiratorial media they are much more resistant to conspiracy beliefs.

An analytical mindset and critical thinking skills are the most effective means of challenging conspiracy beliefs: Participants who were primed to have an analytical mindset were less likely to have conspiracy beliefs than controls. Furthermore, when interventions moved beyond putting participants in an analytical mindset, and actually explicitly taught them how to evaluate conspiracy beliefs using specific critical thinking skills, they were much less likely to have conspiracy beliefs.



カタールでのワールドカップで人権が問題にされて、欧州には根深いロマ問題があるのに、例えば、ユーロビジョンのとき問題にされないのはおかしい 欧州のメディアも出羽守もずるい。これぞ、欧州中心主義。 

 Guardian-reading wokeratiさんがリツイートしました ボウイを語って性虐待を語らないのは、ジャニー喜多川を語って性虐待を語らないのに等しい。 喜多川の功績だけ語って平気いれらる人たちの神経にひとしい。



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