「体制の改善」は意味不明。組織の「体質」や「体制」という言葉、発言主自身が具体的に何を指しているか明示できないと思う。ジャニーズに活動継続を正当化しうる改善はないです。当人が死亡し、その当人の欲望を満たす装置だった組織はもう解体以外の出口はない。 https://t.co/GPKWiI8S7e pic.twitter.com/lzlhBG4oCd
— Spica (@CasseCool) September 16, 2023
服従 正しい、正しくないにかかわらず、言われたことをすること
道義 言われたことにかかわらず、正しいことをすること
うまい!I keep reading that film studios are contemplating
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) July 3, 2023
replacing writers and actors by using Artificial Intelligence to mimic their talents
Surely it would be easier and more efficient to replace executives, since they have no talent at all
I like to experience the Universe as one harmonious whole. Every cell has life. Matter, too, has life; it is energy solidified...""The basic laws of the Universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can’t grasp them. There is a pattern in creation.""If we look at this tree outside whose roots search beneath the pavement for water, or a flower which sends its sweet smell to the pollinating bees, or even our own selves and the inner forces that drive us to act, we can see that we all dance to a mysterious tune, and the piper who plays this melody from an inscrutable distance—whatever name we give him—Creative Force, or God—escapes all book knowledge..""[A cosmic religion] has no dogma other than teaching man that the Universe is rational and that his highest destiny is to ponder it and co-create with its laws..""The soul given to each of us is moved by the same living spirit that moves the Universe."
African nations will always remember their children being trafficked by Western colonial powers, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday. ‘People from Africa were taken to Europe in cages... You can’t watch that without tears. Children sitting in cages, displayed for everyone to see,’ said Putin, speaking at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, noting that this practice continued until as late as 1957. Putin went on to remark that, in his view, Western countries have not abandoned their colonial ideals. ‘Even now, they are trying to boss around and pursue their generally neo-colonial policies,’ he said, referencing the trillions of dollars’ worth of loans imposed on African nations, and the reluctance to allow them to be repaid fairly.
西洋のアフリカの人々に対する残虐な植民地主義については正しいが、ロシア のアフリカとの関わりが、
In contrast, he added, ‘our cooperation has always been based on either mutual grounds or the desire to help’
特定の価値観や、行動、態度を一律に押し付けられるのはたまらんかっただろうな。@moroet8 戦時中に米国が作った映画「Know Your Enemy Japan」の一部。フルバージョンは1〜3の3部作で、You Tubeアカウント「プロパパンダ」さんのところにあります。ググって見てね。何も疑問を抱かず、忠実に従順に正確に従う子どもの大量生産は、兵士や工場労働者を増やすことに成功した。 #太平洋戦争 #八紘一宇 #knowyourenemyjapan #均一化教育 ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - モロエツBrok
引用元のサイトはネバダ州ラスベガスで、盗んだ車をわざと車にぶつけ、その後自転車に乗っていた白人男性をはねて殺した黒人二人組。しかも、自分で動画撮影していた。それがバレたので、検察は轢き逃げから、殺人に起訴を変更。倫理観最低の人間が溢れると、こういうことになる。 https://t.co/Vq4NYD7lna
— buvery (@buvery) September 16, 2023
Who is Daniel Auderer? All about Seattle cop found laughing over the death of Jaahnavi Kandula as video sparks outrage
Anushree Madappa
Modified Sep 14, 2023
Daniel Auderer, a Seattle police union leader, is under fire after he was caught on camera laughing about an Indian student, Jaahnavi Kandula, killed by a police cruiser, saying her life had “limited value” and the city should “just write a check for $11,000.警察の車によってインディアン女性が殺害されたのを笑う警官に対する非難が高まっている、というニュースも大きく取り上げています。
大半の西洋人は日本、中国、韓国の違いがわからない?これ、中国の話なのになぜ絵が日本人? https://t.co/fuqGPp8Dnc
— Guardian-reading wokerati (@suzuky) September 16, 2023
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