
”Study finds no correlation between immigration and criminality in France”






crime rate by immigrants in the us


Studies show that immigrants commit crimes and are incarcerated at a much lower rate than U.S. citizens12. A study by The Sentencing Project found that “foreign-born residents of the United States commit crime less often than native-born citizens”1. According to the Cato Institute’s analysis, the criminal conviction and arrest rates for immigrants were well below those of native-born Americans2. The rate per 100,000 residents in each subpopulation was 899 for undocumented immigrants, 611 for legal immigrants and 1,797 for native-born Americans2. 

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
This paper examines the causal effect of immigrants on the crime rate in Germany employing an IV approach. Before the refugee crisis, i.e. in the period 2008–2014, an increase in the current share of immigrants increased the total crime rate, while during and after the refugee crisis, i.e. in the period 2015–2019, the effect was negative or insignificant. Moreover, there is no evidence that refugees lead to a higher crime rate. For the total period, we find no significant effect of the change



 Property crime declined as the foreign-born population rose in England and Wales, but evidence does not suggest migration caused this decline



The share of asylum seekers in the local population is related to a 1.1% rise in property crime but no change in violent crime. A rise in A8 migrants as a share of the population is associated with a 0.4% fall in property crime and has no relationship to violent crime


The international evidence highlights labour market opportunities of migrant groups as a determinant of their impact on crime rates


Foreign-nationals are less likely to report being a victim of crime than British nationals


There are studies in the criminology literature using local data that suggest that associations between immigration and crime in reality reflect relative deprivation and unemployment rather than direct immigration effects (see for example Bircan and Hooghe 2011).

Some of this difference can be explained by types of crime that foreign-born individuals commit – in many countries, migrants commit crimes that are associated with higher imprisonment rates. And some can be explained by foreign-born individuals who are arrested while transiting or visiting the country and therefore not counted in the population. But the gaps are too large for these explanations to suffice.



Study finds no correlation between immigration and criminality in France

The report by the government's Center for International Prospective Research and Data shows that the overrepresentation of foreigners in the statistics is due to biases throughout the legal chain.

By Julia Pascual

Published on April 23, 2023, at 11:46 pm (Paris), updated on May 9, 2023, 

 "The number of crimes committed in a country does not increase as a result of a migratory wave," Philippe insisted. There is one exception: A small proportion of immigrants are "slightly more likely to commit a theft when they do not have access to the labor market," the authors wrote.  

労働市場が不況の場合、移民が多少窃盗に走りやすくなるが、移民の流入よって犯罪が増える、ということはない、と。統計上外国人が多くみえるのは 法律上の過程における偏見のせいだ、と。

 ルモンドの有料記事で due to biases throughout the legal chainのところが本文で読めないので、想像するしかないが、職務質問率ー逮捕率ー有罪率が偏見によって外国人のほうが多ければ、統計上は外国人の犯罪が多い、ということになり得る。



”undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses.”







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