— 桜内文城 (@fsakura) May 23, 2023
少子化対策で「こども特例公債」発行へ…財源確保まで不足分を穴埋め(読売新聞オンライン) https://t.co/pVkJTRtY0T
日本ではイスラムの数がまだ少ないので、相関は難しいでしょう。だがデンマークの犯罪上位を見ると、宗教が割りきれない旧ユーゴを除き、レバノン、ソマリア、トルコ、イラク、パキスタン、モロッコ、イラン、アフガニスタンと上位全部がイスラム諸国で、さらに、二世の方が犯罪率が高い。 https://t.co/e7EYoe5Q2O pic.twitter.com/KioPZYstex
— buvery (@buvery) May 26, 2023
Research into Immigration and Crimeimmigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime.this paper provides an empirical connection between immigration and crime in the period 1988-2018 across 30 OECD countries. For empirical analysis, advanced panel econometric approaches are used which can address both heterogonous coefficients and cross-section dependency. The findings show that no statistical evidence exists to relate an increase in the number of immigrants to the rise of any kind of crime.
No, Malaysia Does Not Execute People For Apostasy It’s not as simple as life and death. BY AKMAL HAKIM AUGUST 16,イスラムに限らないということなので、キリスト教を棄教したら死刑にする国を挙げて下さい。イスラムなら、法律レベルで6か国、カタール、モルジブ、UAE、マレーシア、イエメンです。 https://t.co/qr45nppffi
— buvery (@buvery) May 26, 2023
In Malaysia punishments for renouncing Islam vary from state to state and can either include fines, jail time, the reappropriation of property, caning, or even sentenced to Muslim “rehabilitation” centers.In Kelantan and Terengganu, failure to “repent” after renouncing Islam can land someone the death penalty under the states’ hudud laws, but implementations of the rule are restricted by federal laws.Through the years, there have been many instances of individuals challenging the Shariah courts after publicly declaring that they were no longer Muslim.
Majorities of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan support the death penalty for leaving Islam法律ではなくとも、パキスタン、エジプト、ヨルダンなどでは圧倒的過半数が棄教に対する死刑を支持しています。日本で同じ調査をすればほぼゼロでしょうね。日本と本質的に違う仕組みです。 pic.twitter.com/vArtIONb94
— buvery (@buvery) May 26, 2023
Muslims around the world don’t necessarily agree on what Shariah means in practice. Some say Shariah should be open to multiple interpretations. Many favor applying it in matters of family law, such as divorces and inheritances, but not in criminal cases. And even among Muslims supporting Shariah, majorities in many countries say it should apply only to Muslims, not to people of other faiths – although some of those countries enforce laws against blasphemy and apostasy (the act of leaving one’s religion), limiting possibilities for secularization or religious change within their borders.
— Spica (@CasseCool) May 23, 2023
奥行き情報を隠し「人が四角い部屋の壁に沿って立っているから距離は同じ」と錯覚することで起きるイリュージョン 実際は部屋の左側が近く、右側が遠い。https://t.co/0KlT2dqKDJ pic.twitter.com/2ohVxbVPGg
ゴンきつね、というか狐の恩返しみたいな話はどこでもあるのか?@animalrescuestations #loveanimals #loveanimals❤️🐾 #protectin #seaturtle #rescue #animal #fox #littlefox ♬ original sound - Animal rescue stations
ただ、働かなくなってガクッと老ける人はいるよなあ。引退後も「働いた方が健康に良い」定説に疑問の研究者、統計調べ覆す https://t.co/DhGS1kF4kJ
— 朝日新聞(asahi shimbun) (@asahi) May 26, 2023
— Joji Cokumu(赤字貿易経営者!倒産したけど今年は黒字化目指す!毒の人ではありません。) (@_596_) May 25, 2023
(続く1 pic.twitter.com/RxWOvNaHJx
不動産業界って信用できん営業や大家だと マジで信用できんもんな。 時々人の皮被ったモンスターいる。こわいね。いそうな気がする。
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