
”Does Escobedo ring a bell? Miranda?”

Does Escobedo ring a bell? Miranda?

I mean, you must have heard
of the 4th Amendment.

What I'm saying is,
that man had rights.

Well, I'm all broken up
about that man's rights.

ROTHKO: You should be.
I've got news for you, Callahan.

Soon as he's well enough
to leave the hospital, he walks.

What are you talking about?

He's free!

- You mean you're letting him go?
- We have to. We can't try him.

And why is that?

Because I'm not wasting a half-million
dollars of the taxpayers...

on a trial we can't possibly win.

The problem is,
we don't have any evidence.

- Evidence? What the hell do you call that?
ROTHKO: I call it nothing.


Are you trying to tell me Ballistics
can't match the bullet up to this rifle?

It does not matter what Ballistics can do.

This rifle might make a nice souvenir.

- But it's inadmissible as evidence.
- Who says that?

It's the law.

Well, then the law is crazy.

The Escobedo rule is a principle in criminal procedure that states that a statement made by a suspect in police custody cannot be used as evidence in court unless the police inform the suspect of their right to remain silent and provide them with an opportunity to consult with a lawyer. 
The Miranda rule, which the Supreme Court recognized as a constitutional right in its 1966 decision Miranda v. Arizona, requires that suspects be informed of their Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights "prior to interrogation" if their statements are to be used against them in court.


第三十四条 何人も、理由を直ちに告げられ、且つ、直ちに弁護人に依頼する権利を与へられなければ、抑留又は拘禁されない。 又、何人も、正当な理由がなければ、拘禁されず、要求があれば、その理由は、直ちに本人及びその弁護人の出席する公開の法廷で示されなければならない。


 池田信夫 Retweeted 法案反対するのはいいが人格否定は駄目だな。 

 池田信夫 Retweeted G7って象徴的な意味しかないんじゃないの? 

 池田信夫 Retweeted 「黒人差別がない」、「LGBT差別がない」とは言い切れないし、偏見は多くあるが、差別は欧米に比べて、少ないしその程度も弱い。とにかく急ぐ理由はない。

 池田信夫 Retweeted ワイドショー、まだ、沈黙するつもりか? 

 池田信夫 Retweeted ワイドショー、まだ、沈黙するつもりか? 

 池田信夫 Retweeted 野党は安全補償はまるで駄目。そして経済でもアメリカ左派の政策を自民党右派に奪われている・・・・評論家としての存在価値しかなくなっている。 

 池田信夫 Retweeted 人手不足→賃金上昇・技術革新と突き進んでもらいたい。




Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted  日本国内ではいつも「軍靴の音が・・・」とか言っているじゃん?

  そして、TIMEは岸田さんを否定的にとらえていない。 おれが思うには岸田さんはアメリカ側の要望をよくのむ首相なんじゃないかな? 経済力にみあった軍事力を持つことについてアメリカは歓迎しているし、岸田さんが核兵器を持たないと言っているのもアメリカにとってはうれしいところ。 

In February, he dismissed a close aide for saying “quite a few people would abandon this country” if same-sex marriage were legalized, despite a majority of the population’s supporting it. In response, Kishida tells TIME that he is committed to “realizing a society where diversity is respected.” Kishida’s approval rating has since picked up, and his LDP won key seats in local elections in April.



In particular, English-speaking people are discriminated against; protests often escalate into violent clashes and killings.

Human rights organisations accuse police and military forces of mistreating and even torturing criminal suspects, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, and political activists.[63][64][76][77] United Nations figures indicate that more than 21,000 people have fled to neighboring countries, while 160,000 have been internally displaced by the violence, many reportedly hiding in forests

On 25 July 2018, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein expressed deep concern about reports of violations and abuses in the English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon.

カメルーンでは英語話者は弾圧されており、 訴えは真剣に受け止める必要がある。

Asylum applications and refugees from Cameroon







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