
“Blood will have blood.”

kazukazu88さんがリツイートしました 残念ながら、国境を超えて移住する自由は人権ではない。

特別在留許可→在留許可→帰化/永住許可の道を開いてあげるべき。 年齢による区分は若い人も納得しないだろう。やはり、低所得 と それ以外 で分けるほうがいい。

 姿は感動するものだよね。 でかい空母は要らんのか?  buveryさんは健康について心配しての善意の発言だったが、女性は外見についてとやかくいわれやすいのでウンザリしているところに、「またか」とカチンと来たんだろうね。


 とくに反対意見を言う人の外見をとやかくいうのは最低。  大学のセンセなんて、思われているほど出来が良くない場合も多いね。そういうことが広く知られるようになったのもソーシャルメディアのおかげ。 

kazukazu88さんがリツイートしました 中身読めないけど、「適正な審査が可能な環境を作ることが、第一歩」というのはその通り。


For months, they had been spending a lot of time together, and the professor had already kissed her once in a park in Tokyo. Now, after drinks, he invited her to his hotel, where they had a sexual encounter that she said was against her will. He said it was consensual.

From that conflicted beginning, they embarked on a clandestine, decade-long relationship that included furtive meetings, volleys of amorous notes and several trips overseas.

Over time, the student came to believe that the professor had taken advantage of the power imbalance between them, and that she had never truly consented to any of it.

When she finally broke off the relationship, she made an official complaint to the university and sued the professor for sexual harassment. Her argument: that he had exploited his position as her supervisor when she was 23 to groom her for sex, assault her and then fundamentally hold her under his sway for years.

But in a twist, she also found herself sued by the professor’s wife, accused of adultery and causing mental distress under Japan’s civil code, which views extramarital relationships as an infringement of the marriage contract.

In the end, the wife won nearly $20,000. The professor was fired last year for, the university said, conducting an “inappropriate relationship.” But the young woman lost her case when the court ruled that the professor had never forced her to do anything against her will....

 The judge’s ruling, in March, acknowledged a gray zone between coercion and consent, deeming it “suitable” that Mr. Hayashi had been fired. But in tearful remarks, Ms. Sano said the judgment did not take “into account what someone who is in a higher position than you can actually do to your psyche.”

Although Ms. Sano lost the case, the court ordered the professor to pay her 1.28 million yen, close to $9,800, to take responsibility for his share of the penalties imposed on her in his wife’s lawsuit.









 健康には、セックス あるいはオナニー推奨だな。


Good sir, why do you start; and seem to fear Things that do sound so fair? I' the name of truth, Are ye fantastical, or that indeed Which outwardly ye show? My noble partner You greet with present grace and great prediction55 Of noble having and of royal hope, That he seems rapt withal: to me you speak not. If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not, Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear Your favours nor your hate.


バンクォウ マクベス、何を怖がっているのか、このような素晴らしい知らせを 恐れているように見えるぞ。実際のところ、 お前たちは夢幻(ゆめまぼろし)の類か、それとも 見たとおりのものか。わが友を 現在の称号で呼びかけ、そして未来を語り、 新しい領主なる、そして王になるとまで予言するとは。 マクベスはすっかり心を奪われてしまったようだ。わたしにはなにも語らぬのか。 もし時間の種子(たね)を見分け、 どの種が育ちどれが育たぬか分かるのなら、 わたしにも言え、わたしは、おまえたちには媚(こび)を売らぬし、 恨みを買っても恐れぬ男だ。
Banquo shows far more bravery than Macbeth, as he asks them about his life and his future. He uses a lot of imperatives to show this. He also uses direct address to show that he is not scared. contrast to Macbeth, as Banquo wants to know the truth, but later in the play Macbeth tries to cover it up. He uses a list to show that Macbeth has been promised many things, but he has not. Witches were thought to control crops, and could choose whether the whole crop for that harvest was ruined or good. Banquo is asking who is more likely to grow: him, or Macbeth. He is asking them to tell him, as he not begging like Macbeth was, and he does not fear them either. this proves Banquo to be incredibly brave, and his character would have gained the respect of the Jacobean Audience. 



“Blood will have blood.”

Definition: One violent action will often cause another.


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