
Sexual Cannibalism:

sexual identity はどの性に惹かれるか、で、  gender identity 自分が内奥で思っている自分の性別 要するに性自認。


a tras-graduate of Standford University.

  ポルトガルはぼったくり注意だな。 はやくやればいいのに。


  光通信 重田会長・・・へびのような目? FOXを首になったタッカーカールソン、実はトランプ嫌いになってた!?シドニーパウエルの嘘も知ってたし... 


 buvery Retweeted レナさんは早く日本に帰化してほしい・・・ロシアになにかされるんじゃないか、と心配でしょうがない。 差別禁止は残して、「性自認」を外すべき。 「性自認」の概念が未熟。


 Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, popularized the idea that the sole purpose of biological life forms is to pass their DNA from one generation to the next. From this perspective, the bodies we inhabit might be no more than vessels for the genetic information they contain; once those genes have been promulgated to the next generation, the physical body has little use. 

 That’s certainly not true for every species (humans, for example) but it does bear out for what biologists call semelparous animals — those that die after mating. Many plant species die after reproducing, as well as animals like salmon and male antechinus.



Some take the route of appeasing their potentially-ravenous partner. Male nursery web spiders often come bearing nuptial gifts — tasty insects — for their hungry mates. Those that do are cannibalized at far lower rates than males that show up empty-handed, researchers found.

Others take a more direct approach. Male nursery web spiders will tie the legs of their prospective mates with silk prior to mating, something researchers have termed a “bridal veil.” The strategy not only protects the males against predation, it also lets them mate for longer, increasing the chances of having offspring. A 2016 study confirmed that males who opted for bondage significantly decreased their chances of getting eaten by females. Tying the knot, indeed!





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