
”transgender women with male genitalia.... should no longer be held in the general women’s estate."





  ドイツは差別がひどいんだね。   未成年者に対する性転換手術禁止は賛成だな。成人してから自分で決めればいい。 スポーツのほうはこれから議論がもっとでてくるだろう。 「自認女性は女性だ!」という主張がボロボロと崩れていく。自認女性は女性と重なるところが多いが、女性専用空間やイベント参加には自認以外の他の基準、条件が必要なってくるんじゃないかな? 

Under the reforms, transgender women with male genitalia, or those who have been convicted of a sexual offence, should no longer be held in the general women’s estate.

Question: Where are transgender prisoners currently placed?
The placement of transgender prisoners is subject to a thorough risk-assessment in every case. More than 90% of transgender women in prison are housed in men’s prisons, and most do not request a move to a women’s prison. There is no obligation to move transgender prisoners according to their wishes.

Transgender women without a Gender Recognition Certificate – i.e. who are not legally female – are initially sent to a male prison as a matter of course.

Question: What will happen as a result of these new changes?
As a result of the new policy, transgender women who are in future sentenced to custody and

have male genitalia



who have been convicted of sexual offences


will not serve their sentences in the general women’s estate unless there are exceptional circumstances.






Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden Updated 21 September 2022

According to the most recent study, people born abroad are 2.5 times as likely to be registered as a crime suspect as people born in Sweden to two native-born parents. In relation to this latter group, therefore, the relative risk of being suspected of crime for people born abroad is 2.5. For those born in Sweden to two non-native parents, the relative risk is 3.2, which means people in this group are slightly more than three times as likely to be registered as a suspected offender as those born in Sweden to two native-born parents.

According to Brå factors that lead to segregation – for example low level of education and lack of employment or other occupation – also seem to contribute to a higher level of crime amongst people with foreign background. Factors such as war traumas, mental illness and the level of crime, conflict and economic development in the country of origin might also be factors that contribute to explain some of the differences.


buveryさんがリツイートしました 藤巻さんというのは池田さんがよく批判している人だね。

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