
”I'm not enjoying it but i can't stop -It's a lot like marriage.”


As the experiment progressed, the doctor gained weight, increased his body mass index (BMI), and experienced changes in hunger and fullness hormones. Brain scans also revealed that his brain developed new connections, linking the reward centers with areas that drive automatic behavior, resembling addiction-like responses.

加工食品を食べると太る、満足感がない、もっと食べたくなる、 中毒っぽくなるんだそうな。


5:30 i'm not enjoying it but i can't stop -It's a lot like marriage



ウィキ 青木の法則 





ワシントンポストの性被害と服装の記事で同じ調査結果を服装の違いによる被害例として引用してるのに「provocative behaviorに服装は含まれない」と言い張る人達。


Why dress codes can’t stop sexual assault

The idea that clothing contributes to rape is false — and incredibly common.

By Mikki Kendall

April 13, 2016 at 11:45 a.m. EDT


 It’s also a myth that has been thoroughly debunked by the Justice Department, RAINN and many other organizations. A Federal Commission on Crime of Violence study found that just 4.4 percent of all reported rapes involved “provocative behavior” on the part of the victim. (In murder cases, it’s 22 percent.) It also found that most convicted rapists could not remember what their victims were wearing. Studies show that women with passive personalities, who tend to dress in layers, long pants and sleeves and high necklines, are actually more likely to be raped. In one study, 1 in 3 college men said that they would force someone to have sex if they could get away with it, and that has nothing to do with clothing.

We know that anyone from a nun to a soldier can be a victim of sexual assault — including men. In fact, while everything from attire to alcohol consumption is blamed when women are raped, military sexual assault statistics show that men in the military are at a slightly greater risk of sexual assault than women. Now either the three-piece military uniforms and combat boots are leading people astray — or clothing has nothing to do with what makes rapists assault people. 

Despite the fact that 9 percent of sexual assault victims are young men, we don’t insist that they dress differently.

Now, if only 6 percent of men are rapists, wouldn’t it make more sense to focus on changing the behavior of the smaller population? 






 ま、そんなもんだな。 ずっと貧しいからよくわかんないけど、お魚クーボン配ればいいんだよ。 Is It Flu, COVID-19, Allergies, or a Cold? Staying Healthy This Winter 



 町山智浩 reposted 一方で食品ロスがあり、他方では飢餓経験する人が多いのはおかしいじゃないか、という問題意識はわかるが、

 町山智浩 reposted  おれもそう思うな。普段から十把一絡げに「中国人は・・・」「朝鮮人は・・・」「クルド人は・・・」「日本人は・・・」チョメチョメだ、みたいなかんじで悪口言っていると何かのときに爆発する。 What is the sequence of events in the criminal justice system? 



 有田さん vs. 山口さん の裁判でどっちに正義があったか・・・・判決書とか見てみないとわからんな。


町山智浩 reposted 農相の「汚染」より震災虐殺否定のほうがひどいとおもうよ、おれは。 

 町山智浩 reposted これはひどいな。 

 町山智浩 reposted 「最悪の」というのは褒め言葉なのか? ・・・・危機が去ってホッとしているところに不意にドカンと危機がやってくる、というのは映画のシナリオではよくあるよね。 出羽守によると日本では政権批判するアーティストはいないとか言ってなかったっけ?

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