
” the ability to be alone is the condition of the ability to love.

Spicaさんがリツイートしました 社長の報酬が社員の平均賃金の何倍かになったらまずい、みたいな空気ができないかなあ。




スイスイ スーダララッタ. スラスラ スイスイスイ. スイスイ スーダララッタ. スーダララッタ スイスイ.







17-year-old scolded for crying over transgender woman’s penis at YMCA

By Dana Kennedy

January 14, 2023

Teammates say they are uncomfortable changing in locker room with trans UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas

By Patrick Reilly

January 27, 2022 

College Lets “Transgendered” Man Expose Self to Girls in Locker Room

 by Dave Bohon November 5, 2012

Officials at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, said that state law renders them powerless to prevent a “transgender” man from using the women’s locker room at the school because he supposedly identifies as a woman. The 45-year-old man, who calls himself Colleen Francis, reportedly exposed himself on several occasions to young girls who were using the locker room as part of swimming clubs. But instead of having the man arrested, school officials have insisted that a state non-discrimination law protects the “transgendered” man from prosecution.

Transgender woman posts sobbing selfie in JFK bathroom after claiming female TSA agent punched her testicles and left her in extreme pain


SPA WARS Viral video of a customer complaining about transgender woman ‘exposing penis in steam room’ prompts violence in LA


  A woman running for Congress filmed herself yelling at a transgender woman for using the bathroom at Denny's Kate Taylor May 19, 2018
According to a spokesperson, Denny's policy is "that our transgender guests and team members should be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with."








 本性がバレる!?海外の過激な診断テストをやった結果・・・ へええ。


What did Stalin mean when he said "In the Soviet Army it takes more courage to retreat than to advance"? 

 Basically they set up units with machine guns behind the troops and would gun them down if they retreated without orders.



Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted  文書偽造はよくないのは当然で、国会で論争すべきことではない。それとも、小西ー高市論争のこと?・・・・本当にそう思ってんの? 着地点はどこよ?・・・・与野党の応援団は、高市辞任とか小西逮捕とか言っているけど・・・・・レトリックじゃなくて、まじでありえると思っている人たちがいるんだ?

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