— 冨田格(いたる) (@itaru1964) March 18, 2023
チンコ付きのトランス女性が女性スペース入場禁止ならなんのためのLGBT法案なのか? LGBT法案はTraonswoman is a woman の掛け声のもと女性専用スペースにトランス女性が入っても違法でないようにする法案じゃないのけ?
Having a certificate means you can:update your birth or adoption certificate, if it was registered in the UKget married or form a civil partnership in your affirmed genderupdate your marriage or civil partnership certificate, if it was registered in the UKhave your affirmed gender on your death certificate when you die
Changing gender to be made easier in Scotland
The new rules, which are expected to come into force sometime next year, will mean applicants will now only need to have lived in their acquired gender for three months - or six months if they are aged 16 and 17 - rather than two years.There will be also be a three-month "reflection period" during which they can change their minds and it will be a criminal offence to make a false declaration or false application for a GRC, with anyone who does so potentially facing up to two years in prison.It will be possible to de-transition by going through the process again.
Spain approves divisive transgender bill
22 December 2022 "Trans women are women," said Ms Montero, who has strongly advocated for gender self-identification and criticised opposition to the law as "transphobia".Critics say the law will be open to abuse and could threaten women's rights, allowing men who self-identify as women to compete in women's sports or request transfers to women's prisons. They have also raised concern about minors having the right to self-determine their gender.
The guardian
The new transgender law – which was passed despite protests from feminist groups, warnings from opposition parties, and amid tensions between different wings of the Socialist-led coalition government – means that anyone aged over 16 will be able to change their gender on official documents without medical supervision
【スペインの終焉】トランス法が成立、性転換手術なしで誰でも性別変更可能に トランス女性に女子更衣室などの利用を拒むと最大15万ユーロ(約2125万)の罰金 男性の申請者が殺到 | RAPT理論+α https://t.co/9gxgxGdDhi
— 奥田幸雄 (@yukiookuda) March 18, 2023
The Objective
'Trans law': fines of 150,000 euros if transgender people are denied access to changing rooms
The Objective The Objective is a Spanish digital newspaper exempt from subscription
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