
”Are you willing to have a conversation with this woman for the next forty years?”

全く意味不明。哲学者や文学者を引用してなにか言ったようなつもりになる批評は・・・・何も言っていないのと等しい。 「スゲー」とか「深い」とか思う人は哲学を知らない人。


町山さんが ボコノン教徒だから、ヴォネガットさんからかなり影響をうけたのかもしれないね。



1 [uncountable] polite behaviour and respect for other people 

: behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others : courteous behavior


: a courteous and respectful act or expression

: consideration, cooperation, and generosity in providing something (such as a gift or privilege)


polite behaviour, or a polite action or remark:



  Love may fail enough for atom bombs to disintegrate entire cities but courtesy will survive long enough for the body collectors to act honorably in the aftermath.

  “Love May Fail, But Courtesy Will Prevail”:The Five Things that Kurt Vonnegut taught me about Life 

 Courtesy is the foundation of caring for someone without being overt or proactive, simply helping as a nicety and reaction, such as opening a door or providing personal space. Without this basic level of interaction, all other acts of help are not sustained. If one is not able to understand the simple acts, then acts on a larger scale, such as political policies that benefit society, can never be fully understood.

 In most of his works, the endings are not happy resolutions, which speaks the messiness of life. He recognized courtesy as a way to make the world a little better, as a way to resolve this messiness, since heroics are hard to come by. While he would advocate cynicism as a philosophy to combat the forces in modernism, he believed kindness was the key to everyday actions.



“Nietzsche had a little one-liner on how to choose a wife. He said, ”Are you willing to have a conversation with this woman for the next forty years?” That’s how to pick a wife.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut



 un じゃなくて inalienable rightsだろうね。 

 人類社会のすべての構成員の固有の尊厳と平等で譲ることのできない権利とを承認することは、世界における自由、 正義及び平和の基礎である 
 Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,


Article 15.The people have the inalienable right to choose their public officials and to dismiss them. 

証拠って他の人のメモとかなんか探せばいいわけか? 日程表みたいのあるなら出せばいい。

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