— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) March 6, 2023
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) March 6, 2023
論文引用してなんか自分で議論するならともかく、「これ読め」というのは・・・稚拙な「議論」・・・というより議論ではない。なんかの権威に訴えているつもりか?英国のWomen's Declaration Internationalみたいな団体は、性自認の概念の否認を主張し活動しているけど、それはトランスジェンダーの人々を法的保護・国際人権法から抹消する活動を意味するので、ヘイト団体と見られている。日本にも賛同している団体があるようだけど。
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) March 6, 2023
The YPs state that gender identity is: 。“understood to refer to each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body (which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms.”
This is particularly clear when, following a misapplication of the Yogyakarta Principles definition, the Declaration states that “the concept of ‘gender identity’ has enabled men who claim a female ‘gender identity’ to assert, in law, policies, and practice, that they are members of the category of women, which is a category based upon sex.” Trans women are, of course, women – not men. However, the Declaration refuses to refer to them as such
It then, to be colloquial, says the quiet part loud: “The inclusion of men who claim a female ‘gender identity’ within the legal categories of woman, of lesbian, and of mother threatens to remove all meaning from these categories, as it constitutes a denial of the biological realities on which the status of being a woman, being a lesbian, and being a mother are based.”
deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender
こういう主観的な感覚があり、例えば、誕生時には男でも自分は女だ、 と小さいときから確信しており、男としての身体、男の服装、喋り方、行動様式に違和感がある人達が居ることは疑わない。
しかし、deeply といっても結局主観であり、そうした違和感に動揺がある人たちがいるのも事実。また、全然嘘っぱちでにわか女性がおり、事件があるのも事実。
Equality law in a domestic jurisdiction, such as the Equality Act 2010 in the UK, covers admittance to “single-sex spaces” such as refuges. It differs across jurisdictions, but as a rule, trans women are allowed into spaces designated as being for women, unless there is a compelling and legitimate reason to the contrary – and even then, proportionate and reasonable accommodation must be made for their protection.
トランス女性に対する不安というのは外見はトランス女性だが心は男の pseudo-transwoman”、似非トランス女性とも言うべき人たちの存在。
There is no law that I am aware of, and I have cowritten three volumes of a global report on gender recognition law as well as a PhD thesis on international law and gender identity, which attempts to limit the right of anybody to hold opinions about gender identity or impose legal sanctions on any individual or party, public or private, for holding an opinion. Actively participating in hate speech or harassment is, of course, sanctioned by law in many jurisdictions, but unless one is partaking in that sort of activity, that is not a concern.
The next paragraph of the Preamble makes an ideological claim: “the concept of ‘gender identity’ was developed specifically out of a body of postmodern and ‘queer theory’ in the West and is being disseminated through powerful organizations internationally, including in countries where the term ‘gender’ does not exist in local languages and cannot easily be understood.” Again, no citation or proof is offered of this,
しかし、起こり得る問題に対処するために、”deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender”についてそれが真摯なものか、どうか、複数の専門家に判断を仰ぐべきではないのか、というのが私見。
なるほど。一神教の国とは違い、日本では同性愛等が公権力により犯罪化されたり、社会生活を不自由にするレベルでの暴力や差別を受けたという歴史的経験がない。迫害や差別がないとは言わないが、理解増進法以上に人や企業の言動を制約することを正当化するだけの立法事実がないということを無視すべきではない。 https://t.co/iCyeNF2SIb
— 山口貴士 aka無駄に感じが悪いヤマベン (@otakulawyer) March 6, 2023
だから、反差別法がとおってしまえば、それが差別だ、ということになるんじゃないか、ということだろう?チンコあっても自認=女性の人はいるわけだから。”MTFが女性用公衆浴場を使えるかどうかは、私が把握している限り、公衆浴場組合では戸籍変更の有無にかかわらず、男性器の有無、すなわち性別適合手術をしているかどうかを基準としているようです。” https://t.co/1ONxinoqt2
— Guardian-reading wokerati (@suzuky) March 6, 2023
as a rule, trans women are allowed into spaces designated as being for women, unless there is a compelling and legitimate reason to the contrary – and even then, proportionate and reasonable accommodation must be made for their protection.チンコの有無はCompelling reason to the contrary にあたるのか、どうか・・・・そこらへん議論が全然煮詰まっていない。
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