
a tribute to "a fellow warrior who had displayed courage and devotion, and who had paid the ultimate sacrifice with his life, fighting for his country."



 Why Did the US Navy Hold a Funeral for a Kamikaze?

Despite protests from crewmen, who wanted the remains hosed over the deck, Callaghan insisted that the young Japanese airman had done his job to the best of his ability, with honor, and deserved a military burial.[5] ・....What remained of the body was brought to sick bay for examination, and various Missouri crew took souvenirs from the clothing, including the helmet, scarf, and jacket.[22] Following examination, the remains were placed in a canvas bag with dummy shell casings to weigh it down.[22]

The following day, the Japanese pilot received a military burial at sea. An improvised Japanese flag, sewn by one of the ship's bosun's mates, covered the bag holding the man's remains.[22] The ship's chaplain committed the body to the sea and the six pallbearers let it slide overboard, accompanied by a volley of rifle fire.[22] Fahr wrote, "There was still much bitterness on the part of many in the crew, but now, the honorable thing was done."[22] According to Lee Collins, visitor operations director for the Battleship Missouri Memorial, Callaghan said that the ceremony was simply a tribute to "a fellow warrior who had displayed courage and devotion, and who had paid the ultimate sacrifice with his life, fighting for his country."[25]










本気で英語に訳せない日本語 5選 






というのがスゴイよね。まさに、Sound of Silence だよな。

徴用工問題の韓国案 解決へ向け日本も協力を 毎日新聞 2023/1/13 


NHK いい番組作っているな。 おれキャバクラ行く気しないもんな。 で、外部性含めて計算するとどうなるわけ? 金利いじっても駄目だな。

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