


町山智浩さんがリツイートしました 本当だね。だいたい会議を隠蔽したのもこのひとでしょ。 これもその通りだな。 


それをどう評価するかは、有権者が決める。  データがないんじゃ何とも言えないが、


  China Covid: Celebrity deaths spark fears over death toll
The death of Chu Lanlan, a 40-year-old opera singer, last month came as a shock to many, given how young she was.
There are reports of hospitals and crematoria becoming overwhelmed.


GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE | Official Trailer | Searchlight Pictures
I've never done anything interesting in my life
You are the only adventure I've ever had


”do a 69 ” 不定冠詞になるのか? なぜ?

how to do a sixty nine でググると

The 69 position 

 With 69ing,

 69ing, or doing 69,

position と結びついて the 69 position 動詞として69 または、無冠詞のdoing 69 がある。




FRIDAYデジタル - 1 時間前



SPECIAL REPORT FROM TEHRAN: Our government has executed hundreds of protestors… Our World Cup footballers let Iran down by refusing to protest on a global stage. Will anyone help, or has the world moved on?

Hundreds of Iranians have been killed for protesting in support of human rights

There's a general view in Iran that their footballers won't support social change

The World Cup stars refused to protest on the global stage in fear of retribution




There’s no single reason behind the audience’s changing tastes. But one must be the rising quality of domestic movies. The days of reusing animations and dragging the same action scenes out for episode after episode are over.
日本アニメはいいんだけど、「スラムダンク」も「すずめのおやど」も観に行きたいか、というと・・・いまいちだよなあ・・・ 「生きる」は見たいなあ・・・あと、さっきの”GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO  GRANDE”は面白そうだな。


Who wears short shorts
We wear short shorts
They're such short shorts
We like short shorts
Who wears short shorts
We wear short shorts.


 そうかあ?と思ったが、ページにとんでみると、他の人は、”aging doesn't make you any less of a hottie”だった。



Don’t Surround Yourself With Admirers Instead, befriend people who inspire awe in you.

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