
“I don’t need to brag about my dick because I know what it is capable of”.


Auffrischungsimpfung Die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) empfiehlt allen Personen ab 12 Jahren eine Auffrischungsimpfung gegen COVID-19, deren zweite Impfung etwa drei, bei Jugendlichen drei bis sechs, Monate zurückliegt. Alle Informationen zu diesen Impfungen finden Sie hier.


booster vaccination The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends a booster vaccination against COVID-19 for all people aged 12 and over whose second vaccination was about three months ago, and three to six months for young people. All information about these vaccinations can be found here.


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  small dick energy (uncountable) (slang, vulgar) Lack of self-confidence; timidity, diffidence. Antonym: big dick energy 

It has nothing to do with actual dick size and everything to do with an inability to respect and be at peace with yourself regardless of what other people think of you. ‘It’s a quiet confidence without cockiness,’ Priya tells Metro.co.uk. ‘I think it comes from maturity and experience. It’s really just saying: “I don’t need to brag about my dick because I know what it is capable of”.’

Small Dick Energy is the exact opposite of Big Dick Energy, building on the old trope that men overcompensate for perceived sexual failings with flashy cars and money. Ness tells Metro.co.uk: ‘The phrase is often used to refer to toxic masculinity, where an individual is seen to talk up their masculinity as a way to look better than others and to make others feel inferior.’ 

People with small dick energy carry themselves like they have a really embarrassing secret that they're terrified of other people knowing. They often spend lots of time and energy trying to project a sense of confidence that rings hollow.

Despite its name, ‘small dick energy’ has nothing to do with the body part whose slang term it references. The focus is on energy – people with small dick energy are petty, insecure, and cover it up with hollow swagger at best and random cruelty at worst. You know such people: men (and women) who crave approval, and, unable to get it, resent the world and will happily destroy it. 

 That uncle who hasn’t made much of his own life and so tries to control younger people around him? Small dick energy. The boss whose career has plateaued and is mean to talented juniors? Small dick energy. The cousin who is doing well but feels people don’t worship him enough and so can’t stop bragging about the car he drives and the miles he runs? Small dick energy. Loserly internet troll who exists to abuse successful women? Immense small dick energy. 

 The opposite of this is ‘big dick energy’ – a confidence, even swagger, that comes from security, and not from an urge to dominate. People radiating big dick energy are happy with themselves, and use their shine to lift others up, not pull them down. Big dick energy is often held as the opposite of toxic masculinity: it is a force, but positive and non-threatening.






3 週間前


そういえば、先程、引用した、The story telling animal ・・・ちょっとメモしておこう、っと

 The most common view of play across species is that it helps youngsters rehearse for adult life. From this perspective, children at play are training their bodies and brains for the challenges of adulthood—they are building social and emotional intelligence. 


we seek story because we enjoy it. But nature designed us to enjoy stories so we would get the benefit of practice. Fiction is an ancient virtual reality technology that specializes in simulating human problems.

. Fiction is a powerful and ancient virtual reality technology that simulates the big dilemmas of human life.

Fiction allows our brains to practice reacting to the kinds of challenges that are, and always were, most crucial to our success as a species


Character + Predicament + Attempted Extrication

キャラ + 困難、問題 +解決、脱出努力


Writers sometimes compare their craft to painting. Each word is a daub of paint. Word by word—brushstroke by brushstroke—the writer creates images that have all the depth and crispness of real life. But a close look at the Philbrick passage shows that writers are merely drawing, not painting. Philbrick gives us expert line drawings with hints on filling them in. Our minds supply most of the information in the scene—most of the color, shading, and texture.



 The dictionary tells us that subtext is: The underlying or implicit meaning. A message not stated directly but which can be inferred. Baboulene, David. Story Theory - the psychological and linguistic foundations to how stories work (The Story Series Book 2) (p.69). Dreamengine Media Ltd. Kindle 版. 


In a story there is always a difference in the knowledge possessed by one story participant in comparison to at least one other story participant. (p.70). 

 登場人物と登場人物の知識の格差、あるいは、登場人物と視聴者の知識の格差。代表的なので言えば、登場人物の背後に怪物がいる。視聴者は知っている。登場人物は知らない。そこで視聴者はハラハラする。登場人物はなにかに恐怖している顔をしている。視聴者は知らない。視聴者なんだろう?と思う。登場人物AとBが会話をしている。AはBに告白しようと思っている。登場人物BはCへの告白をAに手伝ってもらおうと思っている。 視聴者は気をもむ。








 Revisionist historians such as Howard Zinn and James Loewen have argued that American history texts have been whitewashed so thoroughly that they don’tcount as history anymore. They represent determined forgetting—an erasure of what is shameful from our national memory banks so that history can function as a unifying, patriotic myth. Stories about Columbus, Squanto and the first Thanksgiving, George Washington’s inability to lie, and so on, serve as national creation myths. The men at the center of these stories are presented not as fleshand-blood humans with flaws to match their virtues, but as the airbrushed leading men of hero stories. The purpose of these myths is not to provide an objective account of what happened. It is to tell a story that binds a community together—to take pluribus and make unum.





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