有道先生のところは中学生級だった。I wonder, does any other country create an online foreign community that acts like perpetual high schoolers as much as Japan?
— Oliver Jia (オリバー・ジア) (@OliverJia1014) January 28, 2023
I have yet to be aware of a place that fosters as much online drama as western gaijin drama.
日本語できない記者が日本に10年滞在して日本について記事書いているんだからなああ。I know people who worked in China. They don't complain and stay, they just leave and don't go back.
— Caye (@f__caye) January 28, 2023
People can comfortably criticize japan from their roppongi buble for over 10 years without learning basic japanese.
Which to me shows indirectly how easy it is to be a gaijin.
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