
“Is not my sorrow deep, having no bottom?” Titus Andronicus


 そういえば、物語論の本”Story telling animal Jonathan Gottschall” を読んでいて引用されていたシェークスピアの作品

“two men kill another man, rape his bride, cut out her tongue, and amputate her hands; her father kills the rapists, cooks them in a pie, and feeds them to their mother, whom he then kills before killing his own daughter for having gotten raped in the first place; then he is killed, and his killer is killed”
「わっわっわっ!」ってくるだろう? ウィキの日本語のあらすじを読むともっと複雑のようだが・・・




 Dozens of studies across five decades and a multitude of cultures have found essentially what Paley found in her Midwestern classroom: boys and girls spontaneously segregate themselves by sex; boys engage in more rough-and-tumble play; fantasy play is more frequent in girls, more sophisticated, and more focused on pretend parenting; boys are generally more aggressive and less nurturing than girls, with the differences being present and measurable by the seventeenth month of life. (39) 

”Story telling animal Jonathan Gottschall”


To some extent, evolution is to blame. Siblings are hardwired to engage in rivalry because they compete with one another for one of life’s most critical resources—parental care. “Two hundred years ago, half of all children did not make it out of childhood,” says Frank Sulloway, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. “The intensity of sibling competition makes much more sense when you realize that very small differences in parental favoritism could determine whether a child is taken to a doctor or not.”

Two-thirds to three-quarters of mothers have a favorite child, according to Pillemer’s research. When favoritism is obvious or is interpreted as such, siblings are more likely to become estranged.

But many adults shrug off perceived less-favored-child status; others let it fester. The difference is how the siblings feel about their adult lives, says psychologist Joshua Coleman, cochair of the Council on Contemporary Families. Those with successful careers and fulfilling lives are less likely to fixate on the past and even enjoy overcoming their “underdog” reputation.









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