
In with real journalism ! Out with the old cliches!


Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted


I think he’s absolutely right to identify gerontocracy as Japan’s fundamental problem 

gerontocracy   老人支配、


Wingfield-Hayes is also right to decry the low-productivity menial jobs that Japan has in abundance. Hiring 6 people to do the job of 2 is sadly common in Japan, and it’s a big reason why Japanese people earn such low and stagnant wages. The heart of the problem is the lack of new high-growth companies, which is due to deficiencies in R&D, lack of late-stage startup funding, and (especially) Japanese companies’ failure to tap export markets in lieu of their shrinking home market.

 R&D 「Research & Development」の略で、日本語でいうと「研究開発」



Out with the old cliches

out with


・In with fortune! Out with the evil! : 鬼は外!福は内!



 irritation at the cliched cultural essentialism that still defines Japan in the minds of too many Westerners.


  kazukazu88 Retweeted なんでも自民党批判のネタにすればいいと思っている日本の野党の悪い習慣を身に着けてしまったのかな?


money does not make you happy.... fame does not make you happy you got to find happiness in you.


having no money makes, often if not always, people unhappy.

life without money is really hard 



Audrey Caruso

She is a true inspiration!  Thank you for sharing.


I am 64 and have been exercising all my life. This makes me more determined to put more effort into it. 
Someone said “don’t use age as an excuse to be lazy”. 
  Be all you can be. As long as you can be.

Linda L Brown

I am extremely grateful for this outstanding woman's example of commitment to excellence for herself and for the unlimited good she can do as an example of what's possible.

Telisha Swails

As a fitness trainer myself, this woman is very inspiring to me ,wow amazing.  It makes me really believe in what I do to help others and this lady is really cool.

Peter Marsh
2 日前
She is an excellent  example for both women and men.
タキミカさん、まさにInspiration だね。

  <コラム 筆洗>作家の宇野千代さんはお風呂から上がるとまず、鏡の前で自分の… 2023年1月24日









Brittany Lumpp 

This film gutted me when I was younger. I had grown up being told “we won, Japan was the bad guy and we won.” And it wasn’t until this movie that I started considering the people that suffered. There isn’t just black and white in the world and we aren’t the heroes I thought we were. I carry this movie with me.


if you ask me what movie changed my life when I saw it as a kid, it would be this movie.  This movie made me cry buckets and made my heart hurt.  my country, the Philippines, was occupied by Japan in the second world war.  I grew up on my grandparents stories during world war 2. how they would hide in caves to escape the bombs, how they were constantly so hungry and terrified of being discovered by the japanese soldiers.  but this movie made all their stories came to life for me and made me sympathize with the stark terror my grandparents really went through.  since GoTF is from a japanese perspective it also taught me compassion and taught me the futility of all wars.  it doesn’t matter what side you are on, in the end, it is the innocents who suffer.  i wish humanity

戦争映画で「火垂るの墓」 ほどの傑作はないかもしれない。

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