
Make whatever happens work

トランス日本人とか、トランス白人とかトランス黒人とか、トランス教授とか・・・いろいろ応用は効くね。 オヤジギャグを理解するのに7秒くらいかかった。 Make whatever happens work 臨機応変・・・うまい訳だね。 逆に臨機応変の英訳は、ググると例えば、
play it by ear
To decide how to act in or deal with a particular situation in an adaptive, flexible, or improvised way, based on the circumstances. 

などがあげられている。 引用がないとなああ。


Although the pornography does not cause the offender to act out, it contributes to the offender’s fantasy which in turn relates to the offender’s choice of behavior.

My own personal experience tends to show that porn use in teens and adolescents leads to more impulsivity (which has been found to be related to excessive dopamine hits as experienced during porn use and orgasm…or video games, gambling, amphetamine use etc), some of which involves acting out with other individuals in sexually inappropriate ways but almost all of these cases are primarily due to their predisposed mental health issues such as sociopathic tendencies, low intellectual functioning, etc

In adults, higher rates of porn use are somewhat similar. 

What I am actually way more concerned about watching violence and nonconsensual violent porn to women (or men), than porn overall,
Community, victim, offender and legislative characteristics would appear to be much more convincing explanations of variations in the rates of reported rape than the circulation of pornography and sexist repression attributed to it by certain feminist and Christian writers.

 Pornography, sexual violence and crime statistics - CROSBI

Conclusion. The authors reject the thesis using three national case studies, deliberately involving societies that are culturally, historically and demographically very distinct. In terms of identifying the nature of rape and other forms of sexual coercion, it rather seems plausible to support certain "macroscopic" interpretations. The two types of violent crimes may either be determined by structural causes (such as social disorganization, gender inequality – sexism, violent nature of society in general, etc.), or share identical, violent nature (sexual violence is primarily an act of physical violence, and only secondly a sexual act). To a certain degree, the results even corroborate the theory of pornographic substitution, according to which consumption of (violent) pornography may provide a surrogate for violent sexual behavior.

 Is There a Connection Between Violent Crime and Watching Porn?

A large portion of the porn consumed by millions of people every day is reinforcing the message that humiliation and violence are normal parts of what sex is supposed to be. [20] It’s wiring the minds and expectations of the upcoming generation, making it harder for many young people to prepare for loving, nurturing relationships ・・・・This is why we exist, as an organization, to raise awareness that porn is anything but harmless personal entertainment. Given the growing body of research, porn is, at best, a sure way to hurt your relationships, and at worst, a normalizer and fueling factor of sexual violence. Consider the facts before consuming.





ドイツはおっぱい好きなのかな?  翻訳者がわかっていない場合もあるかもしれないし、翻訳が下手な場合もあるけど、原文読んでも難しい場合が多い。哲学全般の入門書とか、カントならカントの入門書とか読まずに最初から読んでもチンプンカンプンな場合が多いのではないか? 

 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted




 たしかに、アメリカでは民間の自発的なスープキッチンやフードバンクは日本より充実しているし、チャリティーをやれば募金もかなり集まる。しかし、 オバマケアで他人のために保険料がが上がった人たちはめちゃブータレていた。そして、いまでも日本のように国民皆保険にはなっていないので、民間の保険に入っていない人たちのなかには病気になったら破産に追いやれる人たちも少ないない、と言われている。


 「世の中のほとんどの人は信頼できる」について日本の肯定率がかなり低いのは面白い。個人的、主観的な警戒感が強いのかもしれないが、「はじめてのおつかい」ができる国であって、客観的には他の国にくらべて 「世の中のほとんどの人は信頼できる」国ではある。




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