英紙に記事「演歌が10歳のわが娘をとりこにした理由」 From Abba to enka: how my 10-year-old fell in love with 1940s Japanese music Daniel Robson Tue 10 Jan 2023 08.00 GMT
「胸重くない?」 JR東日本の駅員、視覚障害のある女性に性的な表現繰り返す
shame on Iran!In December, two men were hanged in quick succession. On Jan. 7, two others met the same fate. At least 15 others remain at risk of execution.
— New York Times World (@nytimesworld) January 13, 2023
Here's an updated look at the people Iran has hastily sentenced to death in its campaign to crush protests. https://t.co/KhzXLYpO5u
新しい変異種に対応したやつを速攻で作れる体制を整備してほしい。mRNAコロナワクチン 第一三共が承認を申請 国内の製薬会社で初 #nhk_news https://t.co/PdefRJ7zKp
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) January 13, 2023
エルビス・プレスリーの唯一人の子、歌手のリサ・マリー・プレスリーさんが死去。享年54。 https://t.co/bVVxktvBoT
— deepthroat (@gloomynews) January 13, 2023
イギリスでは銀行のボーナスの上限を法律で設けることができるの?“You’re effectively saying to all these public sector workers, ‘get poorer and be happy about it’”
— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) January 12, 2023
Journalist Ash Sarkar asks why the government lifted the bankers’ bonus cap but accepts a real-terms cut to public sector wages #bbcqt
Watch @bbciplayer https://t.co/Q3mPtCtioY pic.twitter.com/k7JFc0X9HR
ジョージアのジャーナリストによる、今のロシアの現状についてジジェクのインタビュー。やはりジジェクは中東欧の左派で、西欧の左派とは見ている世界と文脈が違う。Slavoj Zizek: 'Denazification Should Begin At Home, In Russia' https://t.co/BnokzckWq6
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) January 12, 2023
Putin was proclaimed chief exorcist not only of Ukraine but basically the entire Western Europe. And here things get really worrying for me.
Dostoevsky was, as far as I know, the first who formulated this idea of Russia as the eternal victim of Europe. Russia saved Europe from Napoleon first and so on.
そういえば、 中国も欧米の餌食になったと被害者意識を国民を植え付けていたな。
You remember when the Taliban won in Afghanistan (as the United States completed its troop withdrawal in 2021), the Taliban and China immediately made a pact, which brutally made sense: "We leave you alone to do whatever you want, terrorizing women, and so on. You leave us alone to do what we want with our own Muslims, Uyghurs, and so on."
This is the new world vision, and they even call it the new decentralization, multiculturalism, which means you can cut women's clitorises, be against LGBT, whatever you want.
Zizek: I read a recent statement by Sahra Wagenknecht, the German leftist [parliamentary deputy] of Die Linke (The Left party), and she quite openly says: Why should we lose energy, money, and so on, putting ourselves in danger, fighting for some war far away…endangering our welfare, the welfare, as she puts it, of our working people?
So here, her idea is basically: Let Ukraine perish so that we don't have to pay higher prices for electricity or whatever
kazukazu88 Retweeted
— 福島みずほ 参議院議員 社民党党首 (@mizuhofukushima) January 12, 2023
名古屋刑務所 ”受刑者の遺体に傷痕多数” 遺族など調査求める | NHK https://t.co/lgTKSGiGQT
「攻撃を受けない事態を起こさないことこそ政治の責任」はその通りなので、むしろ、ロシア、中国、米国、北朝鮮と全ての日本の周辺国を批判している日本共産党が、東アジアでどのように安定した国際強調体制を築くつもりかを論理的に語ってほしい。 https://t.co/ZYdVrGHv1E
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) January 12, 2023
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) January 12, 2023
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