公務員の仕事の大半は杓子定規で冷たい対応でいいわけだから、AIがピッタリなんじゃないか?ていうかこれ、個人向けの税理士とか法律相談のほうが需要ありそうだし、AIが得意そうじゃないですか? こういう問題があるが、その際、どういう選択肢が考えられるか、とか教えてほしい。
— Guardian-reading wokerati (@suzuky) January 3, 2023
米国がとうとうウクライナに戦車を供給するみたい。でも少し古い型だけど、十分使えるものらしい。 https://t.co/xc2qfRzPrB
— buvery (@buvery) January 5, 2023
US Bradleys killed a lot of Iraqi tanks (which means Soviet/Russian tanks) during the Gulf War. I saw them in operate in combat. They are solid vehicles.
— Mike Glenn (@mrglenn) January 5, 2023
室井さん、現実問題では全然まともなことを言う。Colabo代表に『性欲処理器』と呼ばれたこと、靖国神社で全裸性器開陳し、草津町を根拠薄弱に非難し続ける人たちに比べれば、美人局に金品を払って反省した旦那の方が、私もマシだと思う。双方独身で合意の上だからね。 https://t.co/28veykXFlm
— buvery (@buvery) January 5, 2023
まとめ(ザックリ知りたい人はここ見ればOK)Colabo監査請求の報告のまとめ。 https://t.co/hcecBLzFcb
— buvery (@buvery) January 5, 2023
outreach noun [ U ] UK /ˈaʊt.riːtʃ/ US /ˈaʊt.riːtʃ/an effort to bring services or information to people where they live or spend time:訪問支援みたいなかんじか
日本語がうるさい、と思う人はBS世界のドキュメンタリー選「みんなのための資本論」20170811 - https://t.co/oKmZC5H6eX @Dailymotionより
— 河添 誠 KAWAZOE Makoto (@kawazoemakoto) January 5, 2023
Music has the capacity to mimic emotions.Music provides a safe space to experience negative emotions.Where words fail, music speaks. Music mirrors the dynamics of emotional life, such as tension and relief, conflict, and excitation followed by resolution and calm. The emotions we hear in music are often difficult to capture in words.As the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius said, “Music begins where the possibilities of language end.”Aesthetic emotions include feeling moved, awe, wonder, transcendence, nostalgia, and tenderness.Music as catharsis. Music helps to channel one’s frustration or purge (catharsis) negative emotions (anger and sadness). When we listen to sad music or watch a sad film, we are disconnected from any real threat or danger that the music or movie represents. We like sadness in music because sadness intensifies the feeling of being moved—and being moved feels good.
What Is Music…Exactly?
Start with a simple vibration.
Posted August 3, 2016
The use of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic devices in music can induce a psychological state in both the musicians and the listener that is beyond words to describe. Music can bring us back to ourselves, be our mirror, and show us a side of ourselves that we may have long forgotten or never knew existed.
Entrainment also explains the energizing effects of music. For example, a jogger listens to techno while running to boost her motivation and speed.
○音楽ってのは、 言葉に言い表しにくい感情・気分・観念まで含めて情感(・観念)を表現、強調、喚起する。そうすることで感情を管理、制御することもできる。
音楽の価値の一つとして、物語といっしょで、a safe spaceを提供してくれる、というのがある。危険な場所に行かなくても物語で危険な場所を安全な仕方で疑似体験できるように、悲しみや怒りについても音楽で安全な仕方で疑似体験させてくれる。
Music has the capacity to bring people together. Music leads to bonding, bonding between mother and child, bonding between groups who are working together or who are together for any other purpose.
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