
"Ugliest Woman In London."


イチロー氏 メジャー挑戦後に「日本に戻ろうかなって考えた」同僚から憎まれた過去を告白「耐える時だ」  

 buvery Retweeted クールジャパンとか関係なく、日本人が自分たちで楽しんでいるやつがやがて世界に拡散されていく、というケースはわりにあるね。

 682回 世界で大恥搔かされた国債償還60年ルール 今すぐ止めて








acromegaly 【名】《病理》末端肥大症、先端巨大症【

As New York newspapers featured her photos on the cover pages with the title “World’s Ugliest Woman,” she went on to become the star of the show and accomplished her goal of earning a fortune. For years, Mary was ridiculed, humiliated, and insulted by her fellow humans in every possible show that earned her 20,000-pound sterling. She used this money to send her kids to a boarding school, and she regularly kept in touch with them through letters and visits.


 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted そんな記憶ないな。


Media coverage Following the release of Goto's beheading video by ISIL on 31 January, many major Japanese television outlets, including NHK, Nippon Television, TBS, Fuji Television, and TV Asahi, suspended their normal programming schedules to provide breaking news coverage on this event. Some foreign media outlets noted a rather skeptical and critical response by the Japanese public regarding the two hostages.[19] The Japanese public responded in a similar way to three Japanese citizens who were also taken hostage in Iraq. Public outrage of their naïveté compelled the Japanese government to bill them for their return airfare to Japan after their release. The general public sentiment in Japan towards these hostages has been that they are to be blamed for putting themselves deliberately in harm's way, while the Japanese government and taxpayers are pressured to pay the price to get them back.[20


  後藤 健二 で検索しても・・・でてこないように思うけどなあ・・・・そもそも引用できるのか?・・ネトウヨの韓国下馬評と同じじゃないか?







97% Owned | Creation of Money | Finance Documentary | Debts Explained 



 I’m afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks or the Bank of England can create and destroy money.
Reginald McKenna, ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1928

As banks work as the accountants of record – while the rest of the economy assumes they are honest accountants – it is possible for the banks to increase the money in the accounts of some of us (those who receive a loan), by simply altering the figures. Nobody else will notice, because agents cannot distinguish between money that had actually been saved and deposited and money that has been created ‘out of nothing’ by the bank. 

Werner  New Paradigm in Macro-economicsop.  p. 179

Where Does Money Come From? by Josh Ryan-Collins より孫引き




 Bernanke on taxpayer's money for the bailouts.

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