
”the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,”


  What was the significance of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples?
When Jesus rose from the table and began to wash the feet of the disciples (John 13:4), He was doing the work of the lowliest of servants. The disciples must have been stunned at this act of humility and condescension, that Christ, their Lord and master, should wash the feet of His disciples, when it was their proper work to have washed His. But when Jesus came to earth the first time, He came not as King and Conqueror, but as the suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. As He revealed in Matthew 20:28, He came “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” The humility expressed by His act with towel and basin foreshadowed His ultimate act of humility and love on the cross.
4 Significant Lessons We Can Learn from Jesus Washing the Feet of the Disciples Becky Weber
Being secure in who he was, he was able to love others perfectly, and not feel inferior because he was serving them. When we know we are fully loved, and know where our identity comes from, we don’t have to try to get it from our status or position in life.
Jesus Washing the Disciples’ Feet: Key Takeaways for Today 

 The entire time Jesus is washing the disciples’ feet, He’s fully aware that Judas is about to betray him (John 13:11). And still, Jesus washes his feet like everyone else’s. He shows the same love and humility toward an enemy—His betrayer—as He does toward His closest friends. 

Not only did He do work that would have been expected of the lowliest slave or servant, but He took on the appearance and posture of one as well.







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"I have kind of given up on that in a good way for me. Now I realize what is important to me is enjoying spending time with my children at home," she added. 

Kondo added during the webinar that her home might now be "messy," but she feels she is spending her time "the right way." 









エ 現行民法の諸規定,民法改正の経緯,明治民法における婚姻の目的に関する解釈などに照らすと,本件規定は,夫婦が子を産み育てながら共同生活を送るという関係に対して法的保護を与えることと共に,子の有無にかかわらず夫婦の共同生活自体の保護も,重要な目的としていると解することができる。




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男性の家事・育児参加率の上昇が 出生率の上昇に繋がる。






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